Alexander Kostadinov, Senior Software Engineer and Kristiyana Stoycheva, Corporate Communications Specialist at Musala Soft visited the World Education Fair, organized by the educational consultants company Integral on Saturday. Many school graduates attended the forum to learn more about prospective educational opportunities.
Our colleagues were there to talk about “Why IT and how the way to success looks like?”. They shared valuable advice on how to act in real business environment and what is the best way to approach an interview. “Be honest at your interview. Do not say that you know something that you actually do not”, Kristiyana said. In their presentation, she and Alex emphasized on the importance of preparation for technical interviews. According to Alex, who is responsible for testing the technical skills of potential Musala Soft employees, the best approach to problems that the candidate does not know how to solve is to think. In the IT industry, the interviewers want to see people think and actively try to find a solution to every problem.
At the closing of their presentation, Kristiyana and Alex outlined that technical skills should be developed constantly, and that they can be upgraded really quickly in real working environment. The aim of their presentation was to give a good insight of the IT industry to the students who attended the fair and their expectation is that some of the brightest of them will join the IT industry very soon.